International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science 

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields are highly regarded as critical to global development and national economies, yet most countries, no matter their level of development, have not reached gender equality in STEM. In fact, only 35% of all students in STEM related fields of study are women and the global average of female researchers is only 33.3%. With half of the world’s population being represented by women and girls, these numbers are nowhere near where they could and should be. Dailies is proud to support today’s girls and empower them to become tomorrow’s leaders.

A History of International Women and Girls in Science Day

In March 2011, the Commision on the Status of Women concluded that women and girls around the world needed more access to education and employment in science and technology. In December 2013, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution to recognize these findings. Finally, on December 22, 2015, the UN proclaimed February 11th as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

This Day Matters

Women and girls represent half the world’s population, therefore representing half of the world’s potential. STEM careers are the fastest growing sector of jobs, therefore the STEM field needs women. International Day of Women and Girls in Science is the perfect day to promote full access and equal opportunities for women and girls to participate in science and technology. 

Combating climate change, improving health, and improving technology are three of the major challenges that our world is currently facing; imagine how much more could be accomplished and discovered when more people are working in these fields. Encouraging and supporting more women in these fields increases research opportunities, expands perspectives, and brings fresh talent and creativity to our ever-changing world. 

The #DailiesDifference x International Women and Girls in Science Day

Representation of women and girls in science comes naturally at Dailies; our CEO, our head educator, and almost all of our teachers are women. This in itself promotes confidence in today’s generation of learners, no matter their gender. Our educators create personalized lesson plans that are encouraging yet challenging, taking each individual student into consideration when planning for the class. Regardless of the class style, (small group, tutoring, enrichment, etc), each Dailies class includes STEM components – in fact we even offer STEM specific enrichment opportunities! 

Celebrating Women and Girls In Science

Did you know that without women in STEM we wouldn’t have kevlar, telecommunications, life rafts, rockets, leukemia treatments, advanced DNA research, or even ice cream?!

It is truly fascinating to learn about how many women have improved our world today. Celebrate these remarkable accomplishments by reading books about women in STEM, by researching trailblazing women who have changed the world, by asking your daughter what invention she would like to see in the world. Empower young girls to follow their dreams, instilling confidence and determination, no matter what may be ahead of them. 

Celebrating Women and Girls in Science With Dailies 

We celebrate women and girls in science everyday at Dailies! All of our class options are led by female teachers and with small group pods, tutoring, enrichment classes, themed camps, and even an entire homeschool curriculum, there is truly something for everyone. We encourage home-school connections through monthly STEM and reading challenges that are shared via class and on our social media, and our team is waiting to help you find the best fit for your family.

Your first class is FREE! Visit to get started!

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