Choose the learning plan that's right for your family
Pay by the month and cancel any time.
DailiesPods Plans
Ideal for families already in school, or are homeschooling, that want academic success for their children through LIVE small group classes and unparalleled insights.
1 class a week
- pod subscription enrollment
- 5 learning activities a week
- 5% off pod classes
- personalized report after pod class
- track progress from portal
3 classes a week
- monthly video report
- 15% off pod classes
- 5 learning activities a week
- pod subscription enrollment
- personalized report after pod class
- track progress from portal
5 classes a week
- weekly video report
- 25% off pod classes
- 5 learning activities a week
- pod subscription enrollment
- personalized report after pod class
- track progress from portal
Pay as You Go
pay for only what you use
Pods $20 a class
Enrichments $15 a class
Tutoring $40 a session
DailiesSchool Plans
Ideal for families looking for a full school program from home with a comprehensive curriculum, 1:1 tutoring, and 24/7 teachers support with certified teachers. Note – Discounts available for quarterly or annual payments
DailiesSchool Lite
full school
- 5 pod classes a week
- 3 enrichment classes a week
- 5 social breaks a week
- 1 study hall class a week
- 5 class recordings a week
- quarterly supply box
- weekly video report
- monthly STEM challenges
- quarterly conferences
- quarterly completion certificates
- dedicated head educator
- personalized report after class
- track progress from portal
4 free tutoring sessions* Annual ONLY
full school + 1 extra session a week
- 2 study hall classes a week
- 1 tutoring session a week
- direct line to head of program
- 5 pod classes a week
- 3 enrichment classes a week
- 5 social breaks a week
- 5 class recordings a week
- weekly video report
- monthly STEM challenges
- monthly Family Events
- quarterly conference
- quarterly completion certificates
- quarterly supply box
- dedicated head educator
- personalized report after class
track progress from portal
FREE iPad or 8 tutoring credits* Annual ONLY
DailiesSchool Pro
full school + 2 extra sessions a week
- 4 study hall classes a week
- 2 tutoring sessions a week
- direct line to head of program
- 5 pod classes a week
- 3 enrichment classes a week
- 5 social breaks a week
- 5 class recordings a week
- weekly video report
- monthly STEM challenges
- monthly Family Events
- quarterly conference
- quarterly completion certificates
- quarterly supply box
- dedicated head educator
- personalized report after class
track progress from portal
FREE iPad or 8 tutoring credits* Annual ONLY
First Class is
Easy to Schedule
and Customize
Safe and
Need help selecting a plan?
This short quiz will help you pick the right plan for you. No matter what you can switch between plans and cancel early with 0 risk.
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