Why Online School is Great

Whether you have been taking advantage of online schools in the United States for many years, you discovered the benefits to online schools throughout the pandemic, or this is all simply a new educational experience that you are interested in learning more about, this blogpost outlines some of the most important benefits for your child … Read more Why Online School is Great

National Freedom Day

Chances are, when we think of anything with the words “national” or “freedom” we tend to think about Independence Day, which is celebrated on July 4th. But, did you know that there’s another important day that commemorates our nation’s freedom? It happens to be today… National Freedom Day! What is National Freedom Day? National Freedom … Read more National Freedom Day

What is Waldorf Education? How do I Incorporate this into Instruction?

Incorporating Waldorf Education

By: Somer Longoria I grew up in a very traditional public school setting. It was a beautiful education, and certainly memorable with a potpourri of many different personalities reflected in the teachers that shared their hearts with the students. Of all the memories from my public school experience, I often return to my primary years- … Read more What is Waldorf Education? How do I Incorporate this into Instruction?

A Parent’s Guide to Homeschooling With Online Classes

Homeschooling With Online Classes

Life can get busy sometimes, but as parents, we always make sure to provide the best education for our children. With recent advancements in technology, homeschooling has become easier than ever through online classes. This guide will provide you with essential information to navigate and optimize your homeschool experience. How Do Online Classes Support Homeschooling? … Read more A Parent’s Guide to Homeschooling With Online Classes

Exploring Agriculture With Your Child

Exploring Agriculture With Your Child

Does your child know where their food comes from? Unfortunately, many children aren’t sure where a lot of food components come from because they haven’t had opportunities to explore agriculture. Agriculture is the science of producing food, clothing, and other products that we use every day. There are countless benefits to learning about agriculture. Agriculture … Read more Exploring Agriculture With Your Child

Encouraging Your Child’s Interest in Reading

Encouraging Your Child’s Interest in Reading

We know that you’re busy busy busy, but when you find yourself with a spare moment to read (or even just daydreaming of a time when you can read again!), what are your own favorite types of books to read? Do you find yourself gravitating towards the same genre or genres over and over again … Read more Encouraging Your Child’s Interest in Reading

Dailies Interns Speak Out: Benefits of Virtual Learning

Virtual Learning

Did you know that Dailies gets the opportunity to work alongside high schoolers for internships we offer? We love our high school interns! Not only do they bring a fresh perspective to our company, but they also are passionate about remote education and all that we offer for families. WE know that virtual learning has … Read more Dailies Interns Speak Out: Benefits of Virtual Learning

Virtual Learning & Virtual Work Doesn’t Have to Be Isolating


Since I started working for a virtual learning company (Shout out to Dailies!) a little over a year ago, one of the questions that is most frequently asked of me is “Isn’t that isolating?” Working virtually is a lot of things- flexible, freeing, motivating, and just pure lovely (at least for me!), but I haven’t … Read more Virtual Learning & Virtual Work Doesn’t Have to Be Isolating