Sensory Bin Fillers

Sensory Bin Fillers

By Stephanie Sweazy We love sensory play at our house! When I was a classroom teacher, I would include some sort of sensory activity every day. I have tried so many sensory bin fillers!  The best thing about sensory play is you can throw in all different objects to include whatever you are teaching your … Read more Sensory Bin Fillers

Independence in Learning

Independence in Learning

By Emily Roman, Dailies Teacher Have you ever been frustrated watching your child learn? As a parent, the first impulse is to step in and help when you see that your child might be confused or frustrated. That’s what we’re here for, right? To help our kids face any problem that arises? As a teacher … Read more Independence in Learning

“What Did you Learn at School Today?”

What Did you Learn at School Today?

“What did you learn at school today?” It’s the age old question that every parent routinely asks and every child avoids. It’s not likely that they didn’t learn anything, it’s just the challenge of describing what was learned in the grand view of their entire day.  As a parent, it didn’t click for me until … Read more “What Did you Learn at School Today?”

Questions for Parents to Ask in a Parent Teacher Conference

Parent Teacher Conferences

We know that in a traditional school setting, some parents are often intimidated to attend Parent Teacher Conferences. As a parent, you yourself might have felt anxious to hear how your child was performing and progressing, feeling the pressure to take on yet another parenting task, and unsure if you were asking the appropriate questions. … Read more Questions for Parents to Ask in a Parent Teacher Conference

Cultural Diversity in the Best Virtual Homeschool

Cultural Diversity

In my 17 plus years of teaching, something that has always been a part of every educational experience is cultural diversity.  Way back in my student teaching days, I had the opportunities to learn how to become a teacher in two very distinct environments.  The first was a military community, in which new students came … Read more Cultural Diversity in the Best Virtual Homeschool

Virtual Learning & Virtual Work Doesn’t Have to Be Isolating


Since I started working for a virtual learning company (Shout out to Dailies!) a little over a year ago, one of the questions that is most frequently asked of me is “Isn’t that isolating?” Working virtually is a lot of things- flexible, freeing, motivating, and just pure lovely (at least for me!), but I haven’t … Read more Virtual Learning & Virtual Work Doesn’t Have to Be Isolating

5 Ways to Prepare your Child for Virtual School

Preparing your Child for Virtual School

Not all virtual learning programs are created equal. Before starting a virtual school or learning program, always be sure to check out reviews from other parents, the credentials of their teachers, and be sure their curriculum is research-backed and aligned to real standards! Did you find a great program and are you ready to get … Read more 5 Ways to Prepare your Child for Virtual School

Let’s Be Clear with Clear Expectations and Objectives

Clear Expectations and Objectives

Maybe you’re blessed with a spontaneous personality where thinking outside of the box comes naturally to you. In this case, I’m guessing overall structure and organization is not your friend. Also in this case, I envy you! As my dad has always said, I’m terrible at “shooting from the hip”. You can reference an earlier … Read more Let’s Be Clear with Clear Expectations and Objectives

5 Ways to Prepare your Child for Homeschool

5 Ways to Prepare your Child for Homeschool

Not all homeschool programs and curriculums are created equal. Before starting to homeschool, always be sure to check out reviews from other parents, the credentials of their teachers (and if they give you access to a teacher), and be sure their curriculum is research-backed and aligned to real standards! Did you find a great program … Read more 5 Ways to Prepare your Child for Homeschool

Creating an at Home Learning Space

Creating an at Home Learning Space

Creating a special at home learning space for your child will help set them up for success. Virtual learning is the future and present for the upcoming generation. Here are some suggestions to help you set up a learning space in your home for your child to study, do homework, or attend online virtual classes … Read more Creating an at Home Learning Space