3 Simple At-Home Summer Learning Activities

Summer Activities

With summer fast approaching, many families are looking for ways to keep their kids busy and learning this summer. As a parent of 4 kiddos myself, the summer brings excitement but also chaos. There are lots of moving pieces as we work out schedules, camps, activities, friends, etc. It can be overwhelming! This list is … Read more 3 Simple At-Home Summer Learning Activities

Reading: Fluency AND Comprehension, Not Just One!

Comprehension and Fluency

Have you ever experienced another parent, or even a teacher, joyfully share about how high of reading levels their kids are at? Or maybe as a teacher or as a homeschooling parent, you’ve heard another parent request more rigorous material or strategies to best support their child’s academic needs since they’re reading “above grade level.” … Read more Reading: Fluency AND Comprehension, Not Just One!

Dailies Interns Speak Out: Benefits of Virtual Learning

Virtual Learning

Did you know that Dailies gets the opportunity to work alongside high schoolers for internships we offer? We love our high school interns! Not only do they bring a fresh perspective to our company, but they also are passionate about remote education and all that we offer for families. WE know that virtual learning has … Read more Dailies Interns Speak Out: Benefits of Virtual Learning

Spring Learning Activities

Festive Educational Activites

By Melissa O’Connor, Dailies Teacher Springtime is here! Is anyone else finding that hard to believe?  To help you and your family make the most of this season, one of our teachers, Ms. Melissa, is sharing some ideas of seasonal educational activities you can do at home. Try one, try them all! We’re eager to … Read more Spring Learning Activities

Cultivating Gratitude and Thankfulness in Our Children

Gratitude and Thankfulness

As many families gather this season to celebrate the holidays, many of our students and their families may also have time away from work and school.  For some, this is a much needed respite from daily obligations and hopefully a chance to reconnect with each other.  In my own home, my husband will be working … Read more Cultivating Gratitude and Thankfulness in Our Children

Fun Holiday Break Ideas!

Holiday Fun

And just like that the school holidays are here! It’s my favorite time of year!  This is always an adjustment for kids to get out of the school routine and into the home routine. I personally always look forward to the later morning starts and getting out of our normal everyday routine. Getting out of … Read more Fun Holiday Break Ideas!

Festive Holiday At-Home Learning: It’s Doable!

Happy Holidays

Many people (rightfully so) use the holidays as a time to recharge, rest, relax, celebrate, enjoy time with family and friends, and devote maybe a little more time than usual towards fun. If you are one of those people, more power to you! Teachers and educators are right there in that boat with you, maybe … Read more Festive Holiday At-Home Learning: It’s Doable!