Duolingo or Dailies: Which is Better for You? 

With all of the online education resources available, it’s not hard to find something that entertains your child. Many sites claim they can teach a new language in only a couple of months, they will increase reading times, or even improve math scores; but how do you know if these are reputable sources? Let’s take … Read more Duolingo or Dailies: Which is Better for You? 

Dailies & ABC Mouse: Which Is The Better Fit For You?

If you have a young child who watches TV, there’s a 100% chance that you’ve seen a commercial for ABC Mouse. The commercials feature excited parents and their children, sharing about everything they’ve learned since starting ABC Mouse; some even claiming their child is now above reading levels. This is great news for those families … Read more Dailies & ABC Mouse: Which Is The Better Fit For You?

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science  Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields are highly regarded as critical to global development and national economies, yet most countries, no matter their level of development, have not reached gender equality in STEM. In fact, only 35% of all students in STEM related fields of … Read more International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Online Learning: A Catalyst for Education and Social Mobility

Education and Social Mobility

Online learning has revolutionized the way we learn.  It has increased access to education and enabled learners to take courses from anywhere and at any time. This has opened up opportunities for those who do not have the means to attend traditional brick-and-mortar schools. Moreover, online learning has become a tool for social mobility. Students … Read more Online Learning: A Catalyst for Education and Social Mobility

Ways for Kids to Write About Reading

Ways for Kids to Write About Reading

Written by: Tabitha Peoples The new year can be a great time for new beginnings. Many people desire to make changes that they strive to commit to throughout the upcoming year. Some may start developing habits such as reading new books, for example. Along with this, many people keep a diary or journal to take … Read more Ways for Kids to Write About Reading

Stop the Summer Slide!

Summer Slide

As we dive right into the summer season, you might hear the phrase “summer slide” being thrown around in educational circles. What does this phrase mean? What is it referring to? Is it a good thing or something you might want to do what you can to avoid? The summer slide refers to the regression … Read more Stop the Summer Slide!

3 Simple At-Home Summer Learning Activities

Summer Activities

With summer fast approaching, many families are looking for ways to keep their kids busy and learning this summer. As a parent of 4 kiddos myself, the summer brings excitement but also chaos. There are lots of moving pieces as we work out schedules, camps, activities, friends, etc. It can be overwhelming! This list is … Read more 3 Simple At-Home Summer Learning Activities

Here at Dailies, Kids can be Kids!

Social Breaks

At Dailies, we understand the importance of academic success, of course. That is the majority of our mission and our vision. We have many resources, supports, and classes put into place to support that intention.  That being said, we know that academic success is not the ONLY indicator of student success. We know that well-rounded … Read more Here at Dailies, Kids can be Kids!

Reading: Fluency AND Comprehension, Not Just One!

Comprehension and Fluency

Have you ever experienced another parent, or even a teacher, joyfully share about how high of reading levels their kids are at? Or maybe as a teacher or as a homeschooling parent, you’ve heard another parent request more rigorous material or strategies to best support their child’s academic needs since they’re reading “above grade level.” … Read more Reading: Fluency AND Comprehension, Not Just One!

Dailies Interns Speak Out: Benefits of Virtual Learning

Virtual Learning

Did you know that Dailies gets the opportunity to work alongside high schoolers for internships we offer? We love our high school interns! Not only do they bring a fresh perspective to our company, but they also are passionate about remote education and all that we offer for families. WE know that virtual learning has … Read more Dailies Interns Speak Out: Benefits of Virtual Learning