As a former classroom teacher and now homeschooling mom, I am always looking for ways to make our days more efficient while also matching my family’s needs. I found that creating a rhythm for my family has really helped me stay on a schedule, but it also ensures that I am including the important “rocks” I want for my family.
Here are some tips for creating your own rhythm for homeschooling:
1. Write down what a typical day looks like in your home
This will help point out what times you are consistently busy with other activities and what times you consistently have available for schooling.
2.) Write down what an ideal day would look like for you family
What are activities that are important for you to include in your day?
3.) Write down your families rhythm
With information from steps two and three, you can write your family’s rhythm. Don’t forget you don’t have to stick with this plan if it doesn’t work! You can always tweak it or change it as the season changes.
Your family’s rhythm will be different than others; don’t feel like you have to fit into the box that everyone else is doing.
Your family has its own beautiful unique rhythm!
4.) Seasonally relook over your rhythm
Things such as sports, co-ops and virtual programs have different timing expectations, and you may need to make adjustments.
5.) After a few seasons, find your family’s rocks: things that occur weekly, monthly, and seasonal.
During this process, you’ll learn that your rhythm will change, but there will be some rocks that will stay consistent. These are things that are always part of your family’s week, no matter the time of year and what your family finds value in. These can be a religious time, Sunday night game night, co op etc.
You can alway reevaluate and write down some ideas that you would like to become prioritized in your family’s rhythm…and make a plan to incorporate them moving forward.
Family Rhythm Example:
- Breakfast
- Schooling time
- Play outside
- Lunch
- Schooling time
- Individual time / Extracurricular activities
- DInner
- Creative time
- Bedtime routine
Your routine will fit your family and it will be its own unique rhythm!