Questions for Parents to Ask in a Parent Teacher Conference

Parent Teacher Conferences

We know that in a traditional school setting, some parents are often intimidated to attend Parent Teacher Conferences. As a parent, you yourself might have felt anxious to hear how your child was performing and progressing, feeling the pressure to take on yet another parenting task, and unsure if you were asking the appropriate questions. … Read more Questions for Parents to Ask in a Parent Teacher Conference

Tips on Making Learning Fun

Learning is Fun

Making learning fun can change the way your child views learning for his/her entire life. Keeping kids engaged can seem challenging; however, here are some ways you can make learning and education fun and interesting for your child. Having a plan will set you up for success. This will help you pace learning so that … Read more Tips on Making Learning Fun

Virtual Learning & Virtual Work Doesn’t Have to Be Isolating


Since I started working for a virtual learning company (Shout out to Dailies!) a little over a year ago, one of the questions that is most frequently asked of me is “Isn’t that isolating?” Working virtually is a lot of things- flexible, freeing, motivating, and just pure lovely (at least for me!), but I haven’t … Read more Virtual Learning & Virtual Work Doesn’t Have to Be Isolating

Dailies Education = A Triangle

Dailies is a triangle

I have to apologize… I think it’s pretty easy to understand why I love Dailies, but understanding the scope of this passion may not have been but I may have under shared how much I love it. It’s true that I love Dailies and everything we are creating for our families, but we actually share … Read more Dailies Education = A Triangle