Exploring Agriculture With Your Child

Exploring Agriculture With Your Child

Does your child know where their food comes from? Unfortunately, many children aren’t sure where a lot of food components come from because they haven’t had opportunities to explore agriculture. Agriculture is the science of producing food, clothing, and other products that we use every day. There are countless benefits to learning about agriculture. Agriculture … Read more Exploring Agriculture With Your Child

Come Sit at Our Dailies Table

Dailies Table

Wow, things sure have been cooking at Dailies.  With DailiesPods, we have been focused on creating authentic learning experiences for students. Truthfully, I wasn’t on board with the Pods idea from the beginning because I was more concerned with equity and access for ALL families;This idea of supporting families is the whole reason why I … Read more Come Sit at Our Dailies Table

From YOU and ME, to WE

From YOU and ME, to WE

I am thrilled to have this opportunity to share more about Dailies with you this week. In my previous post, last week, I discussed more of my motivation for joining the Dailies team and why I love education so much in general, but in this post, this week we are going to specifically focus on … Read more From YOU and ME, to WE