Transitions When Learning (And at Home!)

Transitions When Learning

By Meghan Bouboulinis Have you ever been working on your computer when it abruptly shuts down? Your brain automatically goes into an adrenaline rush, not quite sure what to do or where to go next. This is the feeling that our early learners often have when there is no transition from one activity to another; … Read more Transitions When Learning (And at Home!)

Responsive Classroom in Dailies Classes

Responsive Classroom in Dailies Classes

By Courtney Moore Responsive classroom is an evidence based approach to teaching that focuses on building community and positive interactions. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is an important part of Dailies classes and is used throughout the whole lesson. At Dailies we know that forming relationships must come first in order for learning to happen. The … Read more Responsive Classroom in Dailies Classes