Guide to Homeschooling in Indiana

In today’s world, many families are making the decision to homeschool their children. No matter the reason behind it, the process to get started can sometimes feel overwhelming. There’s no need to worry though, because Dailies is here to help!

Homeschooling in Indiana: Getting Started

The good news for families who live in Indiana is that there are very basic requirements to get started with homeschooling. In fact, there are really only four things that families must do while homeschooling in Indiana: 

  • Provide equivalent education in the English language 
  • Teach for the required number days 
  • Keep attendance records
  • If required, provide educational information to the state 

An Equivalent Education at Home

Private schools (including homeschools) must teach in the English language and the instruction must be equal to that given in public schools. With this being said, there is no definition of “equivalent instruction” nor is a specific homeschool program recommended. There are also no mandatory subjects that must be taught, but it is recommended that families follow the same general subjects that would be taught in a traditional public school. 

The Required Number of Days

Students between the ages of 7 and 18 must have an education, whether it be from a traditional public school, a private school, or via homeschooling. Families who are homeschooling their children must operate their program for the same number of days that the public schools in their district are in session. These dates are usually July 1 through June 30, or 180 days. If a child attended a public school during the same year that they began to homeschool, their public school attendance would count towards these 180 days. 

Keeping Attendance Records

Families must maintain detailed attendance records for each child being homeschooled. These records are to verify the enrollment of your student, even if they are the only one. These records must be made available upon request by the superintendent of the school district in which you reside. There is no specific record keeping paperwork or form, but families can find examples online or by connecting with other Indiana families. 

Providing Additional Information 

In addition to attendance records, it is highly recommended that you maintain a record of the program and curriculum being taught in your home. Keeping a syllabus of textbooks, projects, field trips, and any testing scores will only provide you with a sense of security in the rare case that a request is made for a homeschool enrollment verification. Mostly however, keeping these detailed documents and records provides support to your child should they choose to pursue a college or university. 

Homeschooling In Indiana: How Dailies Can Help

As you can see, homeschooling in Indiana is a fairly easy journey to begin! Selecting your curriculum may seem like the hardest part, and that’s where Dailies steps in. Our full homeschool program provides high quality education that is personalized to each student’s strengths and tailored to assist students where they may need additional support. Our team is ready to answer any questions you may have about homeschooling in Indiana or homeschooling in general! 

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