Empowering Your Child with the Skills and Confidence They Need to Thrive!

Investigating. Discussing. Creating.

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Class Activities

Make It Monday
Test It Tuesday
Wordy Wednesday
Throwback Thursday
Friendly Friday
1 Hour Class Duration
Ages 5-12 Age Range
4-6 students Class Size

Class Structure

Layer_1 (3)
Social Skills (15 minutes)
book-saved-svgrepo-com 1
Literacy (15 minutes)
Group 6297
Numeracy (15 minutes)
Project Time (15 minutes)

Key Focuses

  • Develop Critical Thinking Skills
  • Create Cross-Curricular Connections
  • Foster a Love of Learning
  • Improve Social Emotional Understanding
  • Accelerate Learner Growth

Join a Free Preview Class

    Meet Your Child’s K-5 Teacher

    Ashley Garrett
    Educational Background

    This is my 16th year to teach, I have taught grade Pre-K through 4th and love all things we learn in each grade!

    Jillian Burger
    Jillian Burger
    Educational Background

    She has a B.A. in Elementary Education and a M. Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction.

    Meghan Rafferty
    Educational Background

    I have a masters and 12 years of experience teaching special education and elementary education with a ESL endorsement.

    Stephanie Penn
    Stephanie Penn
    Educational Background

    She has been a teacher for over 12 years and is a K-5 reading specialist!

    Tania Lundy
    Educational Background

    I have earned a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Elementary Education and certified to teach grades PreK-5th.

    Programs Available

    Personalized Small Group Learning

    Ideal for holistic educational support (social, reading, writing, and math)

    • Small Class Sizes
    • Daily Progress Reports
    • Certified Teachers
    • Standards-Based Curriculum
    • Personalized Lessons- no lesson scripts!

    Get Started

    Full School at Home

    Ideal for families who want to homeschool but would like support from certified teachers.

    Everything in Dailies Pods, and:

    • Enrichment Classes
    • Small Group Tutoring
    • Supply Boxes
    • Learning Acceleration
    • Homeschool Law Support and more!

    Get Started

    1:1 Personalized Learning Support

    Ideal for children needing support with a specific skill or topic.

    • Adaptive Lessons
    • Learning Gap Analysis
    • Skill-Based Lesson Focus
    • Daily Progress Report

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    Expertly Managed Matchmaking

    We match your family to the best qualified teachers for your child’s individual needs. We are your learning partner, ensuring you are never left guessing what they are learning.

    Group 6299

    Comprehensive Currriculum

    Standards-based curriculum that is personalized to every student in the class. No scripted lessons, just real authentic learning.


    100% Risk Free & Secure

    Get a refund if at any time you are unsatisifed with your child’s progress. We safely secure your family’s information.

    What Parents are Saying
    About Our K-5 Classes

    Ellipse 1125
    Julianna D.
    PreK Parent

    Honestly, this pod was a game-changer for my family, especially with the lack of social interaction due to COVID-19. The teacher was incredibly friendly and provided a lesson that my daughter could easily follow along with- and she had a blast doing it!

    Ellipse 1125 (1)
    Stephanie W.
    PreK Parent

    Bryce is loving DailiesPod! He is excited to see friends and learn new things through books and games. I love how it is teaching him to listen to someone other than mom and dad. I love to see him focused and engaged with the other kids and his teachers.

    Ellipse 1125 (2)
    Natalie W.
    PreK Parent

    My son loves his sessions in Dailies Pods with his pod teacher and is excited for more. Our pod teacher does an excellent job engaging and supporting her students, differentiating for varying academic levels, and playing to student interests and creativity.

    Ellipse 1125 (2)
    Natalie W.
    PreK Parent

    My son loves his sessions in Dailies Pods with his pod teacher and is excited for more. Our pod teacher does an excellent job engaging and supporting her students, differentiating for varying academic levels, and playing to student interests and creativity.

    Want to Ensure Your Child Thrives?

    Set your child up for learning success.

    Get Started

    Need help? schedule an introductory call