Take Your Child to Work Day: Impacting the Future

If you grew up in a similar timeframe that I did, you might know today as “Take Your Daughter to Work Day.” While today’s holiday has a different name and is (rightfully) more inclusive, it has a similar goal as those Take Your Daughter to Work Days of the past that you might recall.

The Details Behind Take Your Child to Work Day

Instead of just taking daughters to work on this annual day (which is held on the fourth Thursday of April each and every year), parents and guardians are invited to bring any of their children to work on this day. The ideal age range for this day is for ages 5-17 years old; however, we know that the earlier you engage your child in these conversations and experiences, the better!

This day was first started in 1993. Since then, according to the Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Foundation, more than 40 million children and adults in over 4 million workplaces around the world have participated in this special day.

This Year’s Theme

There is a different theme for Bring Your Child to Work Day; this year’s them is Inspire 2 Aspire. What does that theme mean to you when you are considering your own child’s interests and future?

The Goal of Take Your Child to Work Day

The main purpose of this special day is to expose kids to what their parent does during the work day…in order to show them the value of their schoolwork, to help them envision their own future career, and to encourage them to begin taking steps towards those career goals. The intention is also to make them aware of different career paths that are possible for them to explore!

Participating in Take Your Child to Work Day

  • Check with your workplace and see if there are any planned activities for this day. If not, confirm that you are able to bring your child and include them in your own work plans for that day! Even if you work from home or homeschool, invite your child into your space for that day and share what your workday there is like.
  • Even if your child can’t participate in your entire workday, is there a part of your day that they don’t normally experience? For example, is there a conference call they can observe for today?
  • Have conversations with your child about the skills and experience that your job requires. What did you have to do to become successful at your job?
  • Encourage your child to create a poster of what career they would like to have when they are older. They can even do research online to include facts and information about that job. What might they do now to begin preparing for those skills and roles?
  • Share pictures or projects from previous job roles you’ve had. What did you like about those jobs? What were challenges of those jobs? These simple discussions (that you wouldn’t otherwise have) can be more impactful than you realize!
  • Maybe your child can create a book about what their own “workday” or school day looks like. What are their favorite parts of their day? How are parts of their day helping them for their future?
  • If you have an extra demanding part of your workday on this day, have your child log on to Dailiespods.com for a first FREE class! We will entertain and educate your child while you make sure that this day is still full of productivity…for you both!

However you choose to celebrate today, I’m sure it will leave your child with a lasting impression of what it means to dedicate yourself to your work- however that may look!

Still to this day, I have vivid memories of missing school on this one day each year to join my dad at his job. We would make it even more special by getting doughnuts together on the way to his workplace. Observing him in his office was such a unique and memorable experience for me; no doubt it has impacted the career I have today!


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Jennifer Blanchard Read all posts by this author