National Tell a Story Day: Sharing the Love of Literacy

There’s no hiding that the Literacy Specialist in me is encouraging you and your children to read stories, write stories, and tell stories daily! However, today is the perfect opportunity to be extra intentional about making time to engage in stories. After all, today is National Tell a Story Day! National Tell a Story Day: … Read more National Tell a Story Day: Sharing the Love of Literacy

Benefits of the Virtual Classroom for Homeschooling Parents

Have a minute? Two? Or Three? Can you, would you, like to take a little walk with me? If you can, take a walk with me down a little pebble path…in the garden of homeschooling, and nestled under the tree of “benefits of homeschooling and the virtual classroom for parents”. Families walk, dance, skip, and … Read more Benefits of the Virtual Classroom for Homeschooling Parents