Spring Learning Activities

Springtime is here! Is anyone else finding that hard to believe?

To help you and your family make the most of this season, one of our teachers, Ms. Melissa, is sharing some ideas of seasonal educational activities you can do at home.

Try one, try them all! We’re eager to hear which ones turned out to be your favorites.


  • Create math problems on tops of plastic easter eggs and have your child match the top egg (problem) to the bottom egg (answer).
  • Fill and hide eggs with coins. Your kiddo can then hunt for one egg at a time and count the coin amounts. Once your child counts the coins correctly, he/she can then move on to hunt for another egg.
  • Draw analog clocks on egg tops and digital clocks on egg bottoms. Your kiddo can then match the top and bottoms.

Language Arts

  • Make compound words (two words each with their own meaning that go together to make one word) with plastic Easter eggs: Your child will match the eggs to make the words.  For example, “jelly” and “fish” combine to make “jellyfish”.
  • Make contractions with plastic Easter eggs: The egg top will have the words then  match it with the egg bottom which has the contraction. For example, egg top- “can not” and egg bottom- “can’t”.
  • Sort parts of speech: Using two to three Easter baskets, label the baskets as “Nouns”, “Verbs” and “Adjectives”. Write words on eggs or on paper that will go inside of the eggs. Your child will then hunt for the eggs and sort them into the correct Easter basket. For younger students, this can be adapted to do color words, words of kitchen items, etc.
  • Scavenger Hunt: Write clues, put them in plastic eggs, encourage your child to find one plastic egg at a time. Each egg should should a clue to the next egg. The final clue can lead them to their prize. Be sure to hid the eggs well enough so your kiddo won’t find them out of order! Not only is this entertaining for your child, but it also gets him/her reading!


  • States of matter: Use 15-20 plastic eggs to label all of the tops of eggs with the words Solid, Liquid, or Gas. Label the bottoms with different solids, liquids, or gases. Encourage your child to then match the bottoms with the correct state of matter tops of the eggs.

Hop to it! Enjoy having with your child as he/she learns. If you’d like any help adapting any of these activities to your child’s specific level and learning needs, just let us at Dailies know!

By: Melissa O’Connor