Celebrating International Literacy Day with Kids

How to Celebrate International Literacy Day International Literacy Day, celebrated annually on September 8th, is a wonderful opportunity to emphasize the importance of literacy and education. It’s a day to recognize the transformative power of reading and writing, and what better way to celebrate than with your family? This year, let’s make International Literacy Day … Read more Celebrating International Literacy Day with Kids

National Tell a Story Day: Sharing the Love of Literacy

There’s no hiding that the Literacy Specialist in me is encouraging you and your children to read stories, write stories, and tell stories daily! However, today is the perfect opportunity to be extra intentional about making time to engage in stories. After all, today is National Tell a Story Day! National Tell a Story Day: … Read more National Tell a Story Day: Sharing the Love of Literacy

Festive Holiday At-Home Learning: It’s Doable!

Happy Holidays

Many people (rightfully so) use the holidays as a time to recharge, rest, relax, celebrate, enjoy time with family and friends, and devote maybe a little more time than usual towards fun. If you are one of those people, more power to you! Teachers and educators are right there in that boat with you, maybe … Read more Festive Holiday At-Home Learning: It’s Doable!